
High performance begins with a solid foundation.

Whether you're pursuing a new PR on the track or tearing up the basketball courts with your friends, your performance depends on your relationship with the ground. Your feet are your direct link with the floor and are responsible for absorbing impact, creating thrust, changing direction, transferring energy, and balancing your weight and momentum. If any part of those elements suffers, your performance is sure to follow suit.

Unfortunately, your unaided feet are rarely in the best position for optimal performance. Everyone's feet are different, but the shoes we wear are mass-produced, inhibiting our ability to make precise movements and increasing the stress placed on our feet. Your body is an adaptive mechanism with a support system - if it can't do what you ask, it will find a way to compensate. Every adaptation, however, comes with a price. Other parts of your body, like your knees, back, or hips, are forced to compensate. This causes misalignment, which leads to pain, discomfort, and ultimately poorer performance.

The good news is that customized footbeds can alleviate all of the problems above. By making your shoes fit your feet, your receive support in all the right places, allowing your body to perform as nature intends. Customized footbeds can reduce the risk of injury, alleviate soreness, and enhance performance - giving you a more satisfying athletic experience.

The Balanced Athlete has over 30 years of experience providing athletes with the right footwear to maximize their experience. For more information on how The Balanced Athlete can improve your athletic experience, contact us at (585) 355-1377.